What’s Next?

A Six-Session Process Group for Men Coping with Separation and Divorce.

Are you recently separated or divorced?

Do you find yourself wondering what's next?

Does it feel strange to talk to family, friends, or coworkers who have no idea what you're going through?

Perhaps you're concerned that your friends will tire of hearing about your struggles with sadness, loneliness, and adjusting to the new normal.

Maybe your friends and family have distanced themselves from you because they don't know what to say.

Have you ever wished you had other men who truly understood what you were going through?

Accepting New Clients from NC, VA, OH, and WV.

What's next, is a six-session process group for men hosted by two licensed therapists.

You will connect with a group of men who are also recently separated or divorced.

The group will be held in the evening through a virtual platform.

Why sit in an uncomfortable group setting when you can attend comfortably from home?

Each group will address a new topic related to coping with separation and divorce, such as dealing with loneliness, improving self-esteem, working on communication, and dealing with co-parenting.

You'll also gain practical skills for building a new life.